
Next issue (14/2018): August 20th, 2018

Guidelines for Authors

The journal Evolvere Scientia is a journal dedicated to the dissemination of unpublished scientific works and bibliographical reviews of topics involving the semi-arid. the journal seeks to encourage the development of research of inter, multi and transdisciplinary character, making possible the production of knowledge about the semiarid. Divided into six sections:

Focus and Scope

  • I. Health in the Semi-Arid

  • II. Energy in the Semi-Arid

  • III. Social Policies in the Semi-Arid

  • IV. Water and environment

  • V. Food in the Semi-Arid

  • VI. Artistic-cultural and historical heritage in the semi-arid


It should follow minimally the pattern informed below.


It should be clear and concise, centered at the top of the page, with a maximum of 180 characters. Bold. Simple space.


Placed only after the analysis of the work;

In the initial submission of the work, the names of the authors and their respective data must be Omitted. These data will be added only after the peer review, and before proceeding to Portuguese revision and layout.

After the initial evaluation, the data of the author (s) ¹ should be added to the text. They should be aligned on the right side of the page (full name of the author, email address and / or address of the Lattes curriculum, institution to which it is linked), with one name below the other (single space between authors), being the first name of the main author. It should be located below the title, with a distance of 03 simple spaces.


Full name, email, title and bond institution, in that order.

Full name
Doctor of Education
Federal University of Pernambuco


Between 100 and 250 words, typed in single space and single paragraph. It should present the introduction, study or research objectives, its basic procedures, methodology, key findings or findings, and key findings.

Below the abstract are the keywords (at least three and at most five) that must identify the purpose of the text (separated by each point and also by point).

They should be presented below the summary (a single space), preceded by the expression Keywords, separated by each point and also finalized by point.


English version of the abstract and keywords.


It must present: the subject, the objectives, the methodology, the justification and importance of the research / relevance of the theme, contributions that the work can offer and how the text is structured. The theoretical part of the work has, if appropriate, this part.


Description of material, method and technique (if pertinent) used to obtain and analyze data, location, period;

If the research involves humans and animals, make reference to the approval of the project in the Ethics Committee, as well as the indication of the ethical procedures adopted in the body of the text. In addition, as of August 27, 2015, it will be mandatory, to attach (in documents that complete in the process of submission of the article) the proof of approval of the Ethics Committee, when applicable.


Results in written form, through tables, graphs, charts, statements, according to what the research and analyzes show. "Confront" the results obtained with the literature data, making interpretations and critical comparisons.


They consist of the presentation of the most important results and respective interpretative syntheses, written with objectivity, clarity and conciseness.


I followed the Vancouver standard of citations.


- Accepted papers will only be published by translating the manuscript into English and reviewing one of our reviewers (list of reviewers). The costs of this review will be negotiated directly between authors and reviewers.

- After review the author (s) must send the e-mail the revised manuscript accompanied by a declaration of completion made by one of our reviewers.